News + Media

The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) fires a RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile during a live-fire exercise in the Pacific Ocean, 9 April 2024. WikiCommons

In the News

April 20, 2024

China rebukes US deployment of missiles in Indo-Pacific

New Delhi Times

Quoted: “The deployment of these ground-based missiles into the Pacific is a significant development,” says Eric Heginbotham, a principal research scientist at CIS. “For example, in an invasion of Taiwan, a Chinese amphibious fleet would effectively have to anchor off a landing area in Taiwan. Its location would be known. And these maritime strike Tomahawks could go to work, target the fleet, and sink part of it,” he tells VOA.

A South Korean environmental activist holds a banner during the anti-nuclear and anti-fossil energy rally at Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul on 11 March 11, 2024

Analysis + Opinion

April 16, 2024

Dousing South Korea’s nuclear desires

James D KimEast Asia Forum

South Korea's desire for their own nuclear weapons is anticipated to lessen as war survivors pass away and succeeding, less war-fearing generations grow their political influence. As a result, nuclear non-proliferation policies could potentially become more effective, granted the security environment adapts.

A daughter of a refugee repays kindness by hosting migrants

Analysis + Opinion

April 12, 2024

A daughter of a refugee repays kindness by hosting migrants

Anjana SankarBoston Globe

Over the past year, thousands of migrants have flowed into Massachusetts from a tide of millions fleeing poverty, crime, war, or dictatorship in the Caribbean, Ukraine, Latin America, and Asia. The influx has overwhelmed the state's emergency shelter system, prompting Governor Maura Healey to urge homeowners to take in migrant families temporarily, writes Anjana Sankar, the Center's IWMF Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow, for the Boston Globe.

aiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen, center right, chats with Taro Aso, vice president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party during a visit to the Presidential Office in Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 8, 2023.

In the News

April 11, 2024

Surviving without the bomb: Extended deterrence and the strategic use of non-nuclear military power by US allies

Harvard Kennedy School Belief Center for Science and International Affairs

On April 11, Jung Jae Kwon, a PhD candidate in the Security Studies Program, will be speaking on his research into how non-nuclear allies of the US try to generate deterrence without their own nuclear arsenal, and a theory to explain and predict their behavior.

Paulo Lozano, Agustín Rayo, and Griselda Gómez celebrate 20 years of MIT-Mexico with MIT alumni in Mexico City

In the News

April 10, 2024

MIT-Mexico Program fosters cross-border collaboration

Lisa CaponeMIT News

For two decades, MIT-Mexico has funded student internships and teaching, as well as faculty research collaborations.


April 8, 2024

CIS awards 13 summer research grants

Thirteen doctoral students in international affairs at MIT were awarded summer research grants, covering travel costs related to field work up to $4,000. Natasha Ansari and Olivia Houck were awarded the fifth annual Guillemin prize. The Center is pleased to support the work of an outstanding and varied cohort from across the Institute. 

In the News

April 2, 2024

Internationalization as a catalyst for academic excellence and economic growth in Pakistan

Muhammad Suleman TahirPakistan Today

MISTI is referenced in this article on how "encouraging faculty to collaborate with scholars from around the world on research projects, securing funding for international research initiatives, and participating in global research networks can enhance the visibility and impact of research conducted by Pakistani universities. MIT’s International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) programme facilitates research collaborations between faculty and researchers abroad, leading to innovations with global significance."


President took part in the festive Parade of Troops on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, 2021

In the News

March 31, 2024

The false promise of nuclear deterrence for postwar Ukrainian security

Matthew EvangelistaLawfare

Ford International Professor of Political Science Barry Posen was referenced in this Lawfare article on how postwar Ukraine should avoid tying its security to nuclear weapons—its own or NATO’s—and instead ensure its conventional forces are robust and defensively oriented.

Abhijeeth Paruchuru

In the News

March 26, 2024

How a ‘murder’ in Boston that didn’t happen made national news in India

Anjana SankarBoston Globe

Reporting from our 2024 Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow. 

Awa Koné

In the News

March 25, 2024

Building operations for Africa’s most valuable fintech

Andrew HusbandMIT Sloan School of Management

Former MISTI-Africa student, Awa Koné, always wanted to get involved in Africa’s bustling business ecosystem. Since early 2020, she has been doing just that at the fintech startup Flutterwave.
