Can't attend our events in-person? Watch the live-stream online on our Facebook page instead! Click on the link below, and you should see the live video as a post in our news feed on the CIS Facebook page. If you are having trouble finding it, try "liking" our CIS page.
Please Note: All of our event times are in the Eastern Time Zone - but our events start about 5-minutes after the scheduled time to allow for guests to find their seats.
The Facebook LIVE stream is NOT a professional video recording. It is video captured using an iPad and a small external microphone from the audience in the event space. Depending upon the venue, audio may be low or hard to hear. We do our best to make it as good as possible, but sometimes larger venues present audio challenges. If you cannot hear the video, please ensure your computer or device has the audio volume turned up, as well as the Facebook audio level. Headphones or external speakers also can help. If all else fails, the professional, high-quality recording will be available in 2-5 days on our YouTube channel at Most videos are also closed-captioned and a transcript is also available after the event. You can find the event transcripts on the Starr Forum archive section.
Link to the live-stream video on our Facebook page
After the event is over, the Facebook Live video will remain as a post on our Facebook page so you can view it immediately following the event. All of our events are also professionally recorded by MIT Video Productions and the higher quality video is posted on our YouTube page about 2-5 business days after an event. All of our events are available on-demand on our YouTube page and many offer closed-captioning.
Link to the CIS Starr Forum YouTube page
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