
  • Spring 2010
May 1, 2010

Visit our website and events calendar for a complete listing of spring 2015 activities. Many of our events are captured on video and available to view on YouTube.

Theory and Practice in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Center sponsored a two-day workshop, "MIT Workshop on Theory and Practice in Iraq and Afghanistan" in April. The workshop was organized by Roger Petersen (professor of political science at MIT) and took place at the Center for International Studies and the MIT Faculty Club. The conference brought together prominent academics who write on civil wars and counterinsurgency with individuals who have had experience on-the-ground in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The panels assessed the relevance and usefulness of academic theories with regard to understanding actual dynamics on the ground. Conference attendees and panelists included MIT faculty and students. Other attendees were from Harvard's Department of Government, Harvard's Belfer Center, West Point, and the Naval War College. Panelists included a number of MIT-affiliated participants: Roger Petersen, Fotini Christia, Colin Jackson, Austin Long, Jon Lindsay, Benjamin Hung, Scott Seidel, Steve Van Evera and Andrew Radin, Nick Howard, and Jeffrey Edmonds. Additional panelists included: Jesse Driscoll, Frauke de Weijer, Monica Toft, Stathis Kalyvas and Joe Tonon. 

British Foreign Secretary Delivers 2010 Compton Lecture

On March 10, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband visited MIT to deliver the 2010 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture. Miliband received a Master's from MIT's Department of Political Science in 1990. Many students and faculty members affiliated with the Center for International Studies attended the lecture: "The War in Afghanistan: How to End It." Video footage of Miliband's remarks at MIT can be found at In addition, before delivering the lecture, Miliband was interviewed by MIT News. Text of the interview can be found at:

Taylor Fravel Appointed to New National Asia Program

M. Taylor Fravel, the Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and a member of the Center's Security Studies Program, is one among 39 outstanding scholars of Asia who was appointed to the newly formed National Asia Research Program. The National Asia Research Program (NARP)—a joint project of the National Bureau of Asian Research and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars—is a new research and conference program designed to reinvigorate and promote the policy-relevant study of Asia, particularly by highlighting the research of NARP associates and fellows. The fellows and associates will present their work at the inaugural Asia Policy Assembly in Washington on June 17–18. News story 

Summer Study Grants

The Center awarded 20 summer study grants this year. Each student received up to $3000 for dissertation research. The awardees included students from Sloan, the School of Architecture and Planning, and the Department of Political Science. For a complete listing of students and their dissertation topics, visit our 2010 Summer Study Grant award page. The grants are funded by the MIT-Japan International Studies Fund. 

SSP Wednesday Seminars

The Security Studies Program's lunchtime lectures included: Hussein Ibish, from the American Task Force for Palestine (ATFP), on "Israel, the Palestinians, and the One State Agenda"; Francis Gavin, from the University of Texas, on "History and Policy in the Nuclear Age"; Jonathan David Kirshner from Cornell University on "Classical Realism and the Rise of China," and Norrin Ripsman, from Concordia University, on "Globalization and the National Security System." Check out the entire listing of SSP Seminars for spring 2010.

MISTI's David Dolev Honored by Israeli Consulate

David Dolev, the coordinator for the MIT Israel Program was honored at the annual Israeli Consulate Israel Independence day celebration for "his remarkable work in supporting strong collaboration between Israel and New England." The award was given on behalf of the state of Israel and presented by the Consulate General of Israel to New England.